Wednesday 26 June 2013

School Spirits by Rachel Hawkins

"Her head jerked up, lips curling back in a snarl, and I stepped back. The cold metal of the lockers pressed against my shoulders, and I swallowed hard. "You can't stay-" I started, and then there was a rush of wind as she suddenly surged forward." Pg. 137

School Spirits is a spin off series of Rachel Hawkin's Hex Hall series, following Isolde Brannick as she navigates the dangers of high school life when her mother decides it's time to stop searching for the missing Finley and move on. This is the story of  Sophie's headstrong cousin as she searches for a ghost, makes friends, tries to fit in, and ultimately falls in love.

Arya: Hey hey hey! I'm back! I'm sorry that Kay can't be here with me; she actually didn't read this book, but still, at least you have me right? Yeah, that doesn't sound too great does it? Anyways, I've already read The Hex Hall series, and I seriously loved it; I could not get enough of it, so when I heard that the spin off was out, I just had to get my hands on it! School Spirits takes us back to the world we know and love when Rachel Hawkins brought us the Hex Hall series - I love Archer in that book; his name was so sexy! - but this time we follow Sophie's headstrong cousin, Isolde, or Izzy for short. Izzy is an amazingly realistic character, with strong characteristics, and it doesn't hurt too much that she's beautiful too! I mean, look at that cover; if that doesn't scream, "Read me! I'm a beautiful, butt-kicking heroine who will knock your socks off!" then I do not know what does. However, I found that Dex lacked a bit of that 'oomph' needed to make a strong, sexy male lead, but he had the cute, really sweet part down pat! I loved the way he dressed, the way he stood out in the crowd and owned it completely; it was really amazing. Not much to say on Romy and Anderson; while I found them cute and helped to move the story along, they weren't really important until the end. However, while I found the twists in the plot good, they were a bit weak, without too much foreshadowing or hints, but the twist at the end of the book was awesome! But I did have a slight problem with the ending scene where Mary was gotten rid of; it seemed too quick, too 'pop and it's done'. I happen to like fighting scenes, so... yeah. Anyways, I also found that the plot was a bit weak, the middle just a bit too boring for my tastes, but the ending happened too quickly. It was just suddenly, ghost there, ghost gone, all done. It didn't have the skillful manipulating from Hex Hall that I loved, so this one just kind of felt... worse to me. It was still a good book in general, it just didn't have that factor that made it excellent. The characters didn't have any catchy lines, as you can probably tell from my attempt at putting a good quote at the top, and while the book did speed through, it was also like everything blended in together, but no big events in the middle. Judging by the ending, it does seem like there might be another book in the series, but it has not been confirmed. If there isn't, this Arya will not be a very happy camper. I would suggest this to readers who like a slower paced book, who find twists and turns annoying, and who aren't such big fans of fights, but love sweet, dorky guys who can make you melt with their thoughtfulness.Rachel Hawkins proves in this book that chivalry does actually still exist.

I bring you my rating... what will it be?

7 stars out of 10

I couldn't actually find a book trailer, so... sorry! Maybe this will make up for it though...

"Pressing myself against the wall, i struggled to open the folder and not get run over. As i did, I kept a running monologue with myself. Oh my God, chill out. Your heart is going a million miles an hour over a bunch of kids? You fight monsters. Get a hold of yourself Brannick.
And I'd almost managed to do that when a boy nearly a foot taller than me collided with my shoulder, sending the folder spinning out of my hands, papers scattering everywhere." Pg. 48

"Mom turned. "Do you want me to wait with you?"
I did. A lot. Why was hunting monsters less scary than waiting by a freaking stop sign in the suburbs?"

I love Rachel in these parts; making high school seem scarier than hunting evil monsters of the night xD.

Thanks for taking the time to see me again! Happy reading!

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