Sunday 14 July 2013

Bully by Penelope Douglas

He appeared to be observing the spectacle, same as me. I could barely make out his face through the dense spatter of leaves, but I knew when he noticed me. His arms stiffened as he supported himself on the windowsill, and his head was bowed in my direction, unmoving. I could almost picture those chocolate brown eyes piercing me.

  He didn't wave or nod. Why would he? Absence wasn't going to make his heart grow fonder—clearly. Dread and apprehension used to plague me when this guy was around, but now....I felt a strange mixture of nervousness and anticipation.

  I slowly backed up to close and secure the doors. The last thing I wanted was to trip and give away the emotions boiling under my calm exterior. During my time away, I’d thought about Jared, but I hadn't dwelled on him, figuring that time and distance would cool him off.

  Perhaps that prediction was too hopeful.

  And maybe I wasn't as bothered by his shit anymore. (P.13-14)

by Penelope Douglas is the first book in the Fall Away series. It is only published as an ebook at the moment.

Kay's Review: 

The book Bully was a title that had struck out to me at first, I expected it to be a story about recounting the past, moving on or facing your past, and in a way, this story gave me that. It showed the glimpses of the trouble, Tate, the protagonist, has faced against her former best friend Jared, also the current bully. The story starts off telling us of their last stand off, or bully moment, before Tate leaves for a year. 
One year later, the story picks off again and straight into a similar situation that both our bully and our victim went through the year before. The rest of the story continues with fights and background story on what have happened between the Tate and Jared. Both with an attraction with each other, both fighting it. Tate trying to discover Jared's past and made him so mean to her. While Jared is trying to make up for the things he had down to Tate, and trying to hide his past from her. A series of events than lead them together, but at what cost? 

I found that the story was a very interesting read, one that gave us a good idea of how the victims must have felt, and how someone can be turned into a bully. There seems to be drama, tension, hate, love, guilt somewhere in each chapter, leaving with excitement at turn. But if you've watch enough TV and read enough books, the story starts to get quite predictable, not entirely. However, it was easy to find reasons for every problem, or how the problem will be resolved. It was way to easy to find our who was behind trouble, and who would win each fight or find out who ends up together. I don't know if that's just me, but it was a very predictable and easy read for me. But I would still recommend it to those who is interested based on the summary and cover. 


(It's a fanmade one, but it gives a fairly good idea on the story) 

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