Sunday 28 July 2013

Risk by Samantha Grady

Risk (Risk, #1)Excerpt:
Was she worth the risk? The risk to love? Yes, there was no question; I could see myself loving her for the rest of my life. Was it worth risking her to a drug business? No, for a million different reasons. But did I want to risk losing her forever because of Vinnie? Vinnie had already taken so much from me was I going to let him have this too? There was only one thing to say to that and I sure as shit didn’t need words.

Olivia knew all about taking risks. Jonah has spent his life taking them. Then one day they collide into each other, and from then on they both do what they can to meet each other, to find each other, and to be together. Neither cares about how many chances, how many risks they need to take for each other, as long as they get to be with each other. But both has many secrets and they are now second-guessing the choices they made, but was it really worth the risk?

I had read the summary and it had seemed interesting, so why not give it a try? Well, one thing for sure, the story pulls you in, leaving you to lose track of time and place. I mean, literally, I was reading this book on my phone while on the train, and I was so immersed that I missed my station, and I've been taking this train my entire life. The book was that good! Olivia is a really strong character under a fragile shell, her secrets, her actions, her thoughts help make her this character, even though sometimes it seems like she would fall apart at any time. Olivia has trying to get over her brothers death and has been fending off the rest of her parents attacks. Jonah is almost the opposite of Olivia, he has built strong walls around him, making him almost seem invincible, however, deep inside he is lost. After his entire family dying, he was sucked into a terrible world by his uncle, and ever since he's been trying to get out.
The story progresses as their undeniable attraction continues to draw them together, however, as much as I love the fact that they got together quickly, I felt like it was a bit too quick. You see, it was like (not quoting), "No, I don't deserve you... I'm too bad... don't get involve with me!" "I understand ok ok ok ..." etc. then it was like "I like you, date me? I don't want to wait." I felt like that part was a bit too rushed, especially like right after they fall into bed. So that was one of the main points I didn't like. Another thing I didn't really like is the fact that there isn't any really good explanation on why Olivia only has like two friends (one turns out to be a lie tho). I mean, based on the story you'd think a girl like her would have a group of friends, at least she has a good friend, but in the story there isn't much about their friendship. Usually when a girl likes a guy, first thing first is that they tell their friend, and they tell EVERYTHING! (I know from experience). however in the beginning of the book, it's sort of like that, but after Olivia and Jonah is off in their own world... and one more thing, Jonah's friends is really involved, they take care of Olivia like a younger sister, and I find that adorable.
The story is also told in two points of view, which if you've read my past reviews one these books, I REALLY LIKE! I love finding out the guy's version of the story, and the girls as well, and this time, you get the Jonah's reaction first on their first meeting! I was half hoping it would be an all guy point of view story, but in the end its not, and I still like it. (For some weird reason I REALLY like to read the guy's point of views on stuff... they're so much more straightforward then the girls!)

(I'm picky ok!?) 

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