Monday 13 January 2014

Reason to Breathe by Rebecca Donovan

“I love that picture," he admitted softly. "I think it's because I love the girl in that picture."
~Evan, Reason to Breathe

"No one tried to get involved with me, and I kept to myself. This was the place where everything was supposed to be safe and easy. How could Evan Mathews unravel my constant universe in just one day?"

In the affluent town of Weslyn, Connecticut, where most people worry about what to be seen in and who to be seen with, Emma Thomas would rather not be seen at all. She’s more concerned with feigning perfection while pulling down her sleeves to conceal the bruises - not wanting anyone to know how far from perfect her life truly is. Without expecting it, she finds love. It challenges her to recognize her own worth - but at the risk of revealing the terrible secret she’s desperate to hide. 

Reason to Breathe is an electrifying page turner from start to finish, a unique tale of life-changing love, unspeakable cruelty, and one girl’s fragile grasp of hope.

Arya: Man, what to say about this book? Just... damn. Over and over again I thought my heart would break reading this. Really, a few pages in, I was under the impression that it was like a classic Cinderella, where Prince Charming would come in, swoop her off her feet and carry her off the the happily ever after ending. And yet, I was totally wrong. I was so wrong it wasn't even funny any more. This Cinderella lived a horrid life, one that made my heart crack every which way. Her Prince Charming didn't save her from the life... but he did help immensely. When I started noticing the change in Emma after Evan popped in, just... damn. He was like a freaking saviour to her darkness.
Emma: Alright. As usual, we'll start with our lovely heroine. At first, I was thinking how Emily and Emma matched, but yeah, got it soon and just kinda ignored it. I guess after her mother left, she just wanted something a bit different. And don't even let me get into her mother; ranting for her will come later. Emma... I can't help but admire her. It's so hard not to, and yet at the same time I curse her absolute idiocy! It's kinda like Nixon from Elect and Elite. (The reviews for those two should be up too, just to let you know). Seriously. It's noble to a fault! Sure, you want to protect the kids from a life without their mother, but damn, you'd think she'd be worry about her own life too! I know Sara definitely was. Let me tell you, that girl takes the whole best friend thing and tosses the bar straight through the roof, high enough that I can't even see it any more. Sara is an amazing friend for Emma, and really, when she yelled at her, I was like, "Emma! What the hell do you think you're doing girl?!" Damn, she was definitely an idiot then, but admittedly, it kinda made sense in the same way. She had good intentions... she was just not being selfish enough. Like I said, noble to a fault.
Evan: Now, usually I love talking about the guy. This is no exception at all. Him, just...holy crap I don't know what to say. He's so caring, so damn amazing that I actually had a bit of trouble breathing! I know he's definitely on my list of book boyfriends! But anyways, even though he was great, it almost seemed unrealistic in how great he was. I mean, really, being that patient with a girl? It gets to be like, "seriously? He's not even mad at THAT?" I had a few of those moments, but they were amongst "awww! cute!" moments, so that was fine. Still, When Emma and Evan were apart, I had no words. I think I started crying, for both of them. They were so good together, and it was hard to see them get so mad at each other over virtually nothing! But Emma, at that point I was worried as hell over her, and worried about her breaking Evan's heart. He's so good! He doesn't deserve to be hurt!
There're so many things to say, but too little time to say it. The ending... all I can say about the ending is that I was almost begging for the next book. That ending was simply intense. I was so happy when I got Barely Breathing, and then I may have ranted a bit... Anyways, that comes next! But for anyone who loves angst and needs justice with a dash of sexy boys, this is definitely the book for you!

From the depths of Arya's mind comes her rating...
9.5 stars out of 10!!!!
Totally loved this book; YOU GOTTA READ IT!

Ya know what, I really wanted to find a book trailer, but I couldn't, or at least not one that wasn't stolen from a movie. So, until the next time, when I should have the next book, keep reading and exploring the infinite worlds.

Much love,
~Kay and Arya

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